Banana Cream Beauty- Delicious banana cream like you never had before. This ripe banana taste just like the real thing, extremely creamy and sweet, one of our top sellers for a good reason
CornFlake Sugar Cookie- Spot on sugar cookie covered in cornflakes. Starts with a sweet butterscotch then comes the cornflake cookies. Rich and creamy from start to finish
Strawberry Caramel Cream- Smooth strawberry mixed with sweet Caramel and cream.
Pistachio- Check out our blend of sweet butterscotch topped with pistachio but that’s not it, creamy smooth custard with hints of Carmel tobacco. This one is for everyone that loves this traditional dessert.
CAKE BATTER- Good god has it been a long wait for this flavor but well worth it once that delicious raspberry cake batter touches those lips. We filled those bottles full of pure cake batter it’s ohhh sooo bomb.